
There is a growing need to understand health as a social phenomenon. This program provides students an education in sociology, focused on healthcare systems and public health policy development and implementation. Our department offers a unique perspective to the role of health and policy in society through the application of theory and research skills to evaluate health and policy related systems. The goal of this track is to prepare our students for advanced studies and careers in fields related to health and policy.



The track is organized following an interdisciplinary approach to the study of health, society and policy. We offer students an appreciation for the sociological imagination grounded in Catholic Social Teaching, coupled with rigorous training in research analysis and evaluation. This approach allows students to apply critical thinking skills and social scientific research methods so as to better understand the historical and current efforts to improve healthcare as well as identifying and analyzing the social determinants of health. In addition to the expertise of our faculty, students have the opportunity to take advantage of existing resources on campus and internships in Washington, D.C. 


Program Organization and Curriculum

Students are encouraged to meet with the departmental advisor to discuss their academic and professional interest and tailor a program of study that they should pursue as upperclassmen. Electives that satisfy the concentration requirement must be confirmed with the advisor. Some electives include, but are not limited to:

  • SOC 109 Health and Society
  • SOC 206 Families and Society
  • SOC 325 Public Policy and Healthcare
  • SOC 343 Religion and Mental Health in Global Perspective
  • SOC 351 Inequality: The Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender
  • SOC 353 Social Inequalities in Health 


The following is a recommended partial list of internship opportunities for our students:


Private Sector
